
Why I Started a Small School, by Rosalyn Spencer

November 2, 2021

Dan’s personality had begun to change after he’d started school. He had often been tired and down-hearted when I’d collected him. I had to take […]

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IDECs at Summerhill from 1999 to 2021 – What’s Changed and What Hasn’t? What Needs to Change for United Nations ‘Sustainable Development Goal 4’ to be Realised by 2030?

October 23, 2021

Transcript from Derry Hannam’s talk at the online Summerhill Festival of Childhood, October 3rd 2021: My 1999 IDEC [International Democratic Education Conference] talk was given […]

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Learning: Lost and Found, by Patrick Farenga

October 13, 2021

Learning that’s lost in school can be found in many ways, if it needs to be found at all. As a homeschooler and author, I […]

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Becoming a Learner, by Sean Bellamy

October 2, 2021

When I first went up to Cambridge University, I didn’t find Europe’s largest library for over six weeks. I never went to a single History […]

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Rethinking Education: Launch of Podcast Season 2, by James Mannion

September 24, 2021

[A link to the audio version of this article is found at the end.] If you follow the mainstream education debate as avidly as I […]

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Learning Through the Lens of Nature and Natural History is Child’s Play, by Lisa Carne

September 18, 2021

Lisa Carne shares with us a flavour of her book, Natural Curiosity, which is a warm and contemplative insight into her family’s experience of moving […]

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Diverse Educators Call to Action

July 3, 2021

Context: Since July 2020, Diverse Educators have held a quarterly Diversity Roundtable with national stakeholders invested in, and committed to, a system-wide strategy for collaborating […]

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Books about Self-Directed Learning and Democratic Education are like London Buses, by Derry Hannam

June 21, 2021

…None appear for ages, then they all come at once! Does this mean that we are looking at a Post-Pandemic Overton Window for our ideas? […]

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Collaborative Decision-Making: the beating heart of classroom learning, by Dr Geraldine Rowe

June 10, 2021

This article describes my doctoral research into shared decision-making in the classroom and offers hope and encouragement to teachers and school leaders who seek greater […]

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A Call For Youth Liberation, by Alexander Khost

May 20, 2021

“Why are those teachers screaming at those kids?” my son James asked me, with a look of true shock and concern on his face. He […]

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Democratic Empowerment: How do Students Feel About Their Student Council? By Hope Wilder

March 12, 2023

What Students Say Matters Most schools do not look like a democratic society at all. Imagine a school where democracy is lived on a daily […]

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Real World Learning: School 21 and XP

May 3, 2022

Here is a report by the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER), commissioned by the Edge Foundation (published June 2019), which presents the findings of […]

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Journal of Pedagogy: Home-Based Education

October 26, 2021

Volume 12 (2021): Issue 1 (June 2021), Special Issue: Home-Based Education Volume 12 of the Journal of Pedagogy ran a special on home education. It […]

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Evidence Base for Self-Directed Education

October 24, 2021

By Rose Arnold,, first published October 2021 “Self-directed education is a pedagogy grounded in biology, anthropology, cognitive science, psychology and child development. It is not claimed […]

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The Student Experience of Self Managed Learning (SML): Evidence From Research

January 13, 2021

By Nicola Sankey, March 2008 (with Introduction by Dr. Graham Dawes) [At the time what is now Self Managed Learning College was Called ‘South Downs […]

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Home Education Trends, Preliminary Report

January 8, 2021

By Wendy Charles-Warner, December 2020 This report examines trends in numbers of home educating families in England. The data was obtained by sending freedom […]

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Home-Education: Aims, Practices and Outcomes

January 7, 2021

By Paula Rothermel, University of Durham, 2002 Abstract This research explores the aims and practices of home-educating families from diverse socio-economic backgrounds. The methodology involves […]

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Preventing school exclusion: a case study of a primary aged autistic child with ADHD and a PDA profile

January 6, 2021

By Catrina Lyle and Heather Leatherland Catrina Lyle is an advisory teacher within the Communication and Interaction team and Heather Leatherland is a mainstream primary […]

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A Summary of Research on Self Managed Learning

January 6, 2021

The material in this document is just a small snapshot of the extensive evaluations carried out on Self Managed Learning with young people. It includes […]

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Learning from the COVID-19 home-schooling experience: Listening to pupils, parents/carers and teachers

October 21, 2020

A report by Mari-Ana Jones (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) and Sara Bubb (University College London Institute of Education): “In Spring 2020, schools in […]

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Your Invitation to Our Free Online Event

October 11, 2024

From 18-25th November 2024, in collaboration with Limitless, we are holding the INSPIRE Education Summit to envisage (and help create!) a new paradigm of education. […]

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Five Top Tips to Set Up a School or Learning Community

September 20, 2024

Inspiration and guidance to pave the way for a new paradigm of education! We are delighted to announce that we have a new resource for […]

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Start-Up Schools & Learning Communities – Webinars to Order

August 19, 2024

We are delighted to announce that our webinars for start-up schools and learning communities are now available to order. We recently teamed up with Limitless to offer two […]

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Webinars for Start-Up Schools & Learning Communities

February 27, 2024

Are you thinking about setting up your own school or learning community? Or perhaps you’ve been running for a while but you’re still exploring different […]

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Learn How to Set Up a School

September 6, 2023

If you dream of setting up your own school, to create something outside of the conventional, authoritarian education system, this is your chance to ask […]

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Learn How to Set Up a Learning Community

June 7, 2023

Announcing a New Collaboration… Limitless podcast host, Alex O’Neill and Progressive Education founder, Jo Symes have launched a webinar series for learning community start-ups. This […]

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Happy New Year!

January 7, 2023

Wishing you the best for a happy 2023. May this new year bring much inspiration to us all for reimagining education. 2022 was an exciting […]

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Progressive Education Events Line Up

June 27, 2022

June  15th, 11am BST – How can educators prepare students for adult life? Live webinar in the Progressive Education Group:- Ortal Green will share with […]

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Announcing a series of 5 FREE events by Progressive Education and Omnis Education

March 9, 2022

We are delighted to be collaborating with Omnis Education to bring you a series of five live webinars in our Progressive Education Group on Facebook. […]

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Live Events in the Progressive Education Group

January 9, 2022

We are excited to announce the launch of Progressive Education Facebook Lives which will be taking place in our Progressive Education Group on Facebook. These […]

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