“It’s not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent, but the one most adaptable to change.” – Quote commonly attributed to Charles Darwin
Let’s start by putting evolution into perspective.
The universe has been here for 13.4 billion years, the earth is 4.6 billion-years-old, the human race started roughly 300,000 years ago.
The first rudimentary schools began around 3,000 years ago, with priests in Mesopotamia teaching boys to read and write along with astrology and medicine.
Denmark was the first country in the world to introduce compulsory mass education in 1721.
So, we have managed to evolve as a species for approximately 298,000 years without any formal high school accreditation. #3deepbreaths.
Below is a simple solution that could serve all students of life down the road.
Keep reading…
In this post-pandemic world, Global adults can work remotely and virtually from anywhere in the world.
An International person usually lives in two or more countries because of parents, school, university, or work.
A Global person is location independent and can choose to live, study, and work anywhere in the world. #digitalnomad.
I would personally define a Global person as being a few steps beyond the commonly used “3rd culture kid” term. I believe that a Global person is a “10th culture adult,” because they have three or more of the following:
Born in country A
Mother is from country B
Father is from country C
Studied in country D
Married person from country E
Kids born in country F
Lives in country G
Pays taxes in country H
Wishes to retire in country I
and to die in country J
If that’s you, then you are in good company. Keep going.
So, what happens when Global person ABCDEFGHIJ has a child with Global person KLMNOPQRS? Uhm, #messyAFfuture. Let’s get prepared.
Where the nomadic lifestyle gets tricky is once Global parents look for schooling options for their growing children. The question is:
“What if there was an accepted benchmark and mainstream way to accredit Global students no matter where they went around the world?“
Educational systems throughout history have reflected what people have needed. Here are the mainstream schooling options currently available today:
FUNDED: Publicly/government-controlled. Traditionally the Ministry of Education is responsible for the oversight of education in a specific country, making sure that it is free and mandatory.
HISTORY: This system emerged in the late 18th century on the heels of the industrial boom, educating the children of parents needing to work in factories.
TO GRADUATE: Most countries have developed their own General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) for high school examinations, which vary in terms of format, content, and grading.
PERIMETER: Students usually go to school with students living in their postal code district.
That was needed at the time. Still around.
Number of students (age 3–18) currently enrolled in public schools and private national schools around the world:
TOTAL: 1.5 billion students
FUNDED: Privately owned businesses controlled by private individuals. The capitalistic motive is to generate profit.
HISTORY: The first International Schools were established in 1924 and grew rapidly to educate the children of parents who were working for international corporations. Allowing students to move between schools and countries and to graduate with the same degree.
TO GRADUATE: Most schools follow the International Baccalaureate (IB), IB Diploma Program, AP credits, A-levels, the Cambridge IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education), and The Central Board of Secondary Education.
PERIMETER: Students go to school with other students living in the same country, usually paid by multinational corporations or by parents who can afford the tuition fees.
That was needed at the time. Still around.
Number of students (age 3–18) currently enrolled in International schools around the world:
TOTAL: 5.8 million students
FOR THE RECORD these systems have worked wonders for some students and to support professions such as doctors, lawyers, dentists, engineers, architects, bankers, and pilots.
The selection process for some of these professions work best under pressure and when externally motivated by deadlines and competition.
⚠️ And, for the less ‘traditional’ 21st century careers, what if there existed another entity inclusive of all the current ‘alternative’ schools, ‘innovative’ schools, and ‘progressive’ schools? For the sake of convenience, let’s group them all to belong to and coin them into the ‘Global School’ system.⚠️
FUNDED: Create a mixture of privatized and non-privatized school models. In an ideal future, this option could be offered at National, International, and Global Schools. Basically inclusive of any student having access to the internet.
TO GRADUATE: Establish a Global accreditation recognized around the world, from which Global students can graduate with: A GLOBAL DIPLOMA. A customized, mastery-based assessment, a Global e-portfolio. An individualized way of maintaining academic progress online in a secure, central, and long-term manner.
PERIMETER: Students can go to schools with other Global kids truly living anywhere in the world.
Being Global is the nature of future generations. It’s happening now.
Number of students (age 3–18) currently enrolled in Global Schools (i.e. including progressive, innovative, and alternative schools) around the world:
TOTAL: Less than 20,000 students (rough estimate)
This includes:
1. Worldschool hubs (approx. 10,000 students)
2. Brick-and-mortar Global schools such as:
– Brave Generation Academy (1200 students)
– Green School (760 students)
– Boundless Life (320 students)
– The Hive (100 students) and many more…
3. Online Global Schools
– Sora (500+ students)
– Prisma (500 students)
– Aeon School (440 students)
– Pacific Prep/ Tutor Corp (200+ students)
– Recess (200 students)
– Kubrio (160 students)
– School of Humanity (80 students)
– Bina School (70 students)
– Cicero (40 students)
– The Journey (20 students)
– King’s InterHigh and many more…
Hooray for innovative universities such as Minerva, Tomorrow University (600 students), Navdanya Earth University, Ubiquity University (200 students), Antioch University, and the London Interdisciplinary School (50 students).
Let’s celebrate the work these early adopting and forward-thinking schools have done so far. #standingovation.
Unfortunately, all of these Global schools have different independent third-party evaluation to translate what students learn. These accreditations are mostly regional. #theirony.
There is nothing that brings them all together, to create a unified, globally recognizable diploma/accreditation that is needed to tip the scales and make the Global System a mainstream one.
Interestingly, for the kindergarten years, many parents are willing to try progressive schools such as Montessori, Forest school, Waldorf Steiner school, Reggio Emilia etc. But as soon as kids become teenagers, parents usually default to a more traditional model for the graduating years.
Much like parents, it seems that current Global schools also default to meeting academically rigorous UK or US educational accreditation standards for the graduating years. #again #theirony.
More specifically, graduating Worldschoolers and some online schools use umbrella schools such as West River Academy. Graduating students at brick-and-mortar schools such as Brave Generation Academy sit standardized exams administered by the Cambridge or Pearson examination board (including GCSEs, IGCSEs, AP exams or A-levels).
Prisma, Sora, and Cicero are accredited by Cognia. Green Schools, Boundless, and School of Humanity are accredited by Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).
In conclusion, Global students who travel around currently graduate with very different degrees.
Instead, what if students could jump from Global school to Global school and graduate with the same Global diploma?
What if there was a central nexus, a solid path, and a unified graduating accreditation?
Making the “Global School” system a mainstream and easy plug-and-play choice for schools, parents, and students in the future.
At a time when meat is engineered, lasers reshape the surface of eyes, houses can be 3D printed, and cars can drive themselves, surely we are ready to make strides in education.
What if, moving forward, schools no longer issued transcripts, progress reports, grades, and report cards?Instead, what if Global students could document and store their own learning journey?
Students could ‘own’ their digitalized academic records that would follow them throughout their lifetime (like a resume or CV).
Students could upload online at any time, any place, at any pace.
(PS. This Global e-portfolio model is intended for students who have mastered learning the foundations, such as literacy, numeracy, and core competencies, say for students 12 years old and above.)
The headmaster of the International School of Brussels, Mike Crowley once wrote to me, “The paradigm needs to shift from the continuity of a curriculum to the centrality of the child, regardless of the school.”
Thankfully Mr. Crowley and Mr. Darwin, change can happen fast. In 2023, in three short years, the landscape of college admissions completely changed. According to this study, 80% of colleges and universities in the US (including all 8 Ivy League colleges) no longer required standardized test scores (SAT or ACT) for admission anymore. #hallelujah. Unfortunately, some are knee-jerking it back in. #ugh🙄.
Schools like MIT, Tufts, and Washington University all now encourage applicants to submit a Maker Portfolio. Admission officers are loving them because they are more robust than a number and a grade: they say so much more about individual talent, they tell a story.
Portfolios are nothing new, art students have always used them.
And some democratic schools, such as Windsor House, founded in 1971, have also been using learning portfolios instead of grades.
Portfolios honor children’s differences rather than suppressing them to conform.
Essentially, applying self-directed learning educational principles to encourage a self-paced, self-regulated, and student-led way of learning.
What if these e-portfolios motivated self-reflection, self-evaluation, and self-assessment? As well as cross-referencing with teacher/educator/mentor reviews? Peer-agreed feedback? And inclusive of any collaborative work?
Instead of aiming for static skill sets and rote memorization, what if e-portfolios highlighted and showcased students’ interests, strengths, and skills instead?
This could help students design their own path. Because only the students truly know what they are interested in and curious about.
Instead of students aiming to open the doors to a prestigious university, the goal would be to open doors within themselves.
Unfortunately under our current systems, many students are unfortunately still struggling.
Reports sadly reveal that record levels of people under the age of 25 are currently on medication for depression and anxiety.
The consequences of failing to address adolescent mental health conditions extend into adulthood, limiting opportunities to lead fulfilling lives.
Key facts about the mental health of adolescents:
Teenagers have anxiety and are overwhelmed? #Reaaally?
Let’s see. First, let’s wake them up early, when most have late-night sleep patterns. Let’s have them sit through lectures on topics they didn’t ask to learn.
Yes, let’s pile on academic stress, societal pressures, and high expectations while they are socially trying to fit in.
Stir in current traumatic world events (school shootings, terrorism, and impending climate disasters) with social media, family discord, economic uncertainty, and a generation-wide sense of confusion.
Finally, fold the uncertainty of leaving home after high school. And sprinkle with some raging hormones. #bonappetit.
Seriously speaking, systemically teenagers are trained to be doing, accomplishing, and competing. Along with intensive schedules with more sports, music, art, languages, tutoring, and other activities to ensure they are ‘maximizing their potential’ so they can get into university, get a good job, and have #lifelonganxiety.
The following article from the Times Magazine made me very sad: ‘Today’s teens and young adults are apparently no longer rebelling, but instead they are succumbing and disengaged.’ Gah! #😭.
Dear parents, all that discipline is pointless when young people are out of work because of psychiatric morbidity.
What happened? Mr. Darwin, this can NOT be the way forward. This has got to change, yesterday.
Because no parent wants to raise disengaged, depressed, anxious children. Not one.
No student (or educator) wants to feel steamrolled, stressed, bogged down and burnt out by absurd educational and culturally accepted standards.
Have schools and parents pushed too hard for University degrees? Apparently, there are more college graduates in the world than there are jobs that require a college degree. #waste + #vivastudentdebt.
Surely, there must be an easier and more delightful way of educating children. My friend Mira Kaddoura once summarized that she wants to, “give my children the memory of an upbringing where their hearts were free.”
I personally believe that the root of the problem is the following:
According to my teacher Martha Beck: “We are born in full integrity – that’s our true nature. But that nature quickly runs into culture. From a young age, we are socialized to suppress aspects of our nature to serve social systems. When we are forced to do things that aren’t true to our instincts, we split away from our real self. We go from being in integrity (one thing) to being in duplicity (two things), or worse “multiplicity” (many things) when trying to please too many different people. Research proves how going along with culture against our true nature makes us miserable.”
Therefore, living in integrity is the aim because it is what truly lights us up.
What if we learned what AI/ a Google search/ Siri/ CHAT GPT/ Wikipedia/ or a YouTube video will never be able to replace: truly knowing thyself.
So, what about making the student the starting point of the curriculum and allowing learning to flow from there?
Who got the authority to write the National and International curriculums anyway?
Now, in the 21st century, following a curriculum written and based on others’ standards and interests is absolutely absurd. It would be like someone else dictating what you enter in your Google search engine. #coconutscrazy.
Because knowledge is no longer scarce. Learning ‘how to learn’ not ‘what to learn’ is what it truly means to learn with unlimited 24-hour internet access at our fingertips.
Let’s break away from the traditional model of external ‘experts’ deciding what we should do (a curriculum, teachers, University admission officers, parents, professors, human resource recruiters, a force outside ourselves, etc.) and instead move toward a more empowering model.
Because different humans, different needs, different interests.
Bottom line, let’s move toward a more individualized and personalized way of learning.
One Person’s Medicine is Another’s Poison
According to the Harvard Business Review, people perform better when happier and internally motivated by work they love. #duh.
People are more creative when they are motivated primarily by the interest, enjoyment, satisfaction, and challenge of the work itself – not by external pressures or rewards.
Can we agree to shift the structures in schools to create a culture of belonging and prioritizing the wellbeing of parents, students, and educators?
Imagine a way of supporting the well-being of young adults entering adulthood.
What if parents could drop their own conditioning, their own expectations, and deeply trust that their children will listen to their own guidance to navigate the world?
Ultimately empowering teenagers to take ownership of their own education (with #guardrails) to build the muscle of taking charge of their own life.
What if Global students had the option to attend brick-and-mortar National schools, International schools, online schools, or Global schools and choose a graduating degree – including the Global degree?
To give a successful example, Oscar-nominated actress Chloe Sevigny, like her brother, attended Darien High School in Connecticut. But she graduated from the Progressive/Alternative Learning Program of the affluent Darien High school.
Her parents applied to one school, dropped both kids off at the same school gate, paid one invoice, and although the siblings received wildly different educations, they both graduated from the ‘same name’ school.
They ate at the same cafeteria, read at the same library, did sports in the same gym, but learnt in different ways and graduated with different degrees.
National and International schools have the infrastructure (admissions, legal, maintenance, accounting team, etc.). All it would need to do is offer this 3rd Global School System option.
Currently, each National school essentially does their own thing but students graduate with the same national degree.
Each International school does their own thing but students graduate with the same International Baccalaureate diploma.
What if each Global school did their own thing but students graduated with the same Global e-portfolio diploma?
Instead of The International School of “insert city,” it could be called The Global School of “insert city.”
Any student with access to the internet could plug info into their e-portfolio, free of charge. Much like Open Source, the Global diploma certificate would be free (for the student, for the parents, and for the schools).
However, we are social creatures hard wired for physical connection. So, schools could charge for the experience of the Global students staying on their campus and for access to the school facilities and educators, whether it be for a stay of two weeks or 12 years. And how much these schools charge is completely at their discretion.
The biggest hurdle? Breaking the conditioning of the previous generations. Managing parents’ expectations around education. When parents worry, they transfer their anxieties onto their children.
What if parents could completely surrender? Letting go of their need to compare, fix, or judge themselves or their kids. And instead to keep asking themselves and their kids the same question over and over: “How can I light your way?”
Like plants, Chris Thompson from the Bridge at Green School’s answer is, “to give teenagers the space and support they require. And to nod in agreement at the blank slate they share with us.”
The oldest story in the history of the world is that of replacement.
Let’s honor the privilege that it is to witness a human going through the transformation from infancy to childhood to adolescence and into adulthood.
It will all happen naturally.
All we need to do is observe and be witness. And #getTFoutoftheway
If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing but expecting a different outcome, then surely the surest sign of sanity is the ability to change our minds.
No matter what you think, everything, EVERYTHING, including the schooling system, the earth, and the universe will keep evolving and CHANGING no matter what.
And to follow what Mr. Darwin recommended, I suggest we do too. Now.
This is a call to schools to offer their students a Global education that meets the needs of our times.
This is a call to parents to offer their kids the option to start an e-portfolio to meet the needs of our times.
This is a call to students ready to choose an educational model that meets the needs of their times.
This 3rd Global School System model is not just for the privileged few. Because change is accessible to all.
Ladies and gentlemen, the true privilege is being the stable bows of change from which future generations can be the living arrows.
Carmela Fleury is the host of the Global Nomad Parents podcast, the podcast for progressive parents who are ready to raise their children for the world of tomorrow! You can find out more about her here.