The Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill was announced on 17th December 2024. There will be direct implications for people (in England) within the Progressive Education community, including progressive schools, flexi-schoolers, home educating families, and those who are striving to create something different to mainstream education via innovative part-time learning communities (despite the Government’s Impact Assessment stating the impact as minimal).
While we are supportive of the aims behind the Bill relating to keeping children and young people safe, there are parts of the Bill which are not in the best interests of the child and must be challenged.
Learning communities are urged to read all the documents (not just the Bill itself), including the ‘Explanatory Notes’ and the ‘Delegated Powers Memorandum’. The Bill alone does not make it obvious how part-time learning communities are affected! Here are some of the main points we have pulled out…
“The meaning of full-time education is set out in new subsection (3) in section 92 of the 2008 Act. This establishes that an institution provides full-time education for a child if the child could be expected to receive all or a majority of their education at the institution. New subsection (4) sets out the factors that must be taken into account when determining whether a setting could be expected to provide all or a majority of a child’s education (such as the number of hours per week children are expected to attend) and new subsection (5) provides a regulation-making power to, amongst other things, add to, or remove factors from, subsection (4) and to make provision about how the factors are to be taken into account. This regulation-making power is subject to the affirmative resolution procedure because of an amendment made to section 166(2) of the 2008 Act by clause 30(9).”
This means that even a learning community which currently operates on a part-time basis could actually end up being considered ‘full-time’ or taking up ‘the majority’ of a young person’s education (in the same way a university course which only runs for a few hours a week can be considered full-time). They would therefore need to register (and be inspected) as an ‘Independent Educational Institution (IEI)’, by the same criteria as independent schools.
The Bill also states that a provider would be classed as an IEI if it provides “instruction or guidance on any matter (and for this purpose it does not matter whether, or by whom, students attending the institution are supervised),” so the IEI classification would also extend to home-ed co-ops where parents/carers stay, if they operate for the yet-to-be-defined number of hours, or more. [Bill clause 31, section 8 b (1A)]
These extracts from the ‘Delegated Powers Memorandum’ (points 157, 158 and 159), show how the Government would ideally like to regulate home education learning communities:
- Independent Educational Institutions to be inspected against standards or face closure. See ‘Explanatory Notes’ point 290:
“Clause 31, amongst other things, amends section 94 of the 2008 Act. Section 94 defines the standards, which proprietors of independent educational institutions must comply with and against which these institutions are inspected. Independent educational institutions which do not meet the standards may face regulatory action, up to and including de-registration.”
This would result in an unrealistic amount of admin for parents/carers, as well as for the additional educators (which could include personnel in the library, museums, on trips; neighbours; extended family; friends etc) who would then, in turn, be required to report back to the LA as well.
There is real concern that this Bill will pass through quickly without proper scrutiny, so please get involved today, to express your concerns and query any areas that need clarifying. There are two things we can do right now… Please do continue to liaise with your MP, in order to challenge the direction of this concerning advancement in education law. Please also reach out to members of the House of Lords, as the Bill is due to have its second reading in the House of Lords after the Easter recess. There are tips on how to do this below.
You can find your MP here:
You can use one of our templates if you wish. Please edit as appropriate, and add as many personalised details as possible, as it is much more effective to use your own words than duplicated templates. Personal stories will have the most impact!
<Download MP Letter Template – Learning Communities>
<Download MP Letter Template – Home Educators>
Do both if you can as some people find that letters get a higher response.
If you also feel able to ask for a meeting with your MP to discuss your concerns, this can be highly impactful. You could do this as an individual or in a group.
If you receive a response from your MP (and you are a home educator), please take two minutes to complete this form – on behalf of the Home Education Action Group – indicating how supportive they were of elective home education.
The HE Byte has put together this page to support you in contacting members of the House of Lords.
Good luck! Please do keep in touch and let us know how you get on.
Educational Freedom:
We Are Home Educators UK:
HE Byte:
The HE Byte posts short articles summarising recent news and events relating to home education. You can read their updates on the Bill here.
Home Education Action Group:
This Facebook group was set up to coordinate actions to fight the current attacks on Elective Home Education in the UK. They are sharing lots of using info about the Bill and have been an invaluable support in putting this page together and running our recent webinar.
Ed Yourself:
This blog gives some info about the timeline of the Bill. And there is more information on their website.
Education Otherwise:
Education Otherwise is sharing information via their website and Facebook Group and are running webinars too, like this one.
Progressive Education:
Finally, you can find lots of resources about home education generally – blogs, books, groups, more websites etc – on our Home Education page.