Educationalist Voice 11

Ortal Green – Design Thinking Specialist, Educator, Innovator and Author

Ortal is a passionate educator with a mission to empower parents and teachers to create tomorrow’s innovators.

​She started her career as a computer scientist and worked for top global hi-tech companies such as IBM and Mercury for several years. Working at the forefront of this cutting-edge industry helped her understand the impact of technology on the future of work.

As Ortal watched her three sons’ journeys through primary school (in Australia), she realised they were not being prepared for this future.

​While Ortal saw the movement towards STEM as going in the right direction, essential skills such as creative thinking and the development of an innovative mindset, to name a few, were being left out. Having a solid technological background and being a Design Thinking practitioner, she was able to see that there was a need and a way to bridge this gap…

Supporting Schools, Awards and Books

​In response to observing her son’s journey through school, Ortal co-founded “Glittering Minds” to create an innovative school program. Glittering Minds provides the needed paradigm shift in education by introducing Design Thinking as the new pedagogy.

​Ortal is also a renowned international speaker and recipient of the prestigious GIFEW Global Evolutionary Woman Award in Education in 2022. Her passion for education and innovative problem-solving has earned her a reputation as a sought-after expert in her field.

Ortal is an award-winning author of two books. Think Unique – Raising a Successful, Innovative Child empowers parents to create a home environment that fosters creative thinking, innovative mindset, collaboration and critical thinking.

Her second book, Think Unique – Your Comprehensive Guide To Cultivating Tomorrow’s Innovators Through Project-Based Learning is a step-by-step guide for educators on how to create an environment in their classroom that creates tomorrow’s innovators.

Both books provide teachers and parents with the knowledge and tools required to set up children for success in the 21st century.

Why are you interested in progressive education?

My journey into the world of education began when my boys started school.

Driven by a curiosity about what’s happening in today’s classrooms, I decided to volunteer at their school. What I discovered was eye-opening. Despite the dramatic changes in our world, the methods of teaching and learning have remained almost unchanged since my own school days.

It became clear to me that our current education system is not only failing to prepare our children for the realities of today and tomorrow but is also inadvertently causing harm.

This realization sparked a deep passion in me to transform our education system, to create a learning environment that truly supports and nurtures our children, giving them the education they need and deserve.

In your opinion, what are the main challenges of our education system?

Our education system faces two fundamental problems that contribute to its failure in preparing our children:

  1. Government Control and Its Agenda: Our schools are governed by policies that prioritize the creation of compliant citizens over the needs of students. Decisions about teaching methods and curricula are influenced by a desire to mould individuals who follow authority without question. This approach does not prioritize what is best for our children’s development but rather what serves the government’s interests.
  2. Narrow Focus on Test Scores: Success in our schools is predominantly measured by students’ grades in Math and English. As a result, principals, and teachers, are pressured to improve performance in these subjects. This emphasis reduces our children to mere numbers on a spreadsheet, overlooking their need to grow into well-rounded individuals with unique skills and talents.

To truly support our children’s growth and development, we must shift our focus from outdated metrics and control-driven agendas to nurturing each child’s full potential and unique abilities.

This is What We’re Up Against:

Research from top sources, including The World Bank Group, paints a sobering picture:

“The world is facing a learning crisis. While countries have significantly increased access to education, being in school isn’t the same thing as learning.”

Our current education system is failing to prepare our children for success in a world that is changing faster than ever.

The 21st Century Challenge:

Traditional education methods – based on rote memorization, passive learning, and standardized testing – are increasingly obsolete. These outdated approaches fall short in equipping children with the skills needed for a world shaped by rapid technological advances and complex global challenges. Studies reveal that students are not being prepared to meet the demands of modern work, society, and mental well-being.

“The basic model of education has been largely static in the face of changes in the broader economy. Many young people are being left behind, and this challenge will only intensify into the future.”

– from a report by Mitchel Institution

Given these systemic limitations, it’s vital for us as parents to take proactive steps in our children’s education. Whether you’re homeschooling, unschooling, or utilizing traditional schooling, embracing innovative educational strategies is crucial. We need to focus on developing 21st-century skills such as creativity, collaboration, problem-solving, and critical thinking.

“65% of children entering primary school today will ultimately work in entirely new job types that don’t yet exist.”

– The World Economic Forum

It’s up to us to ensure our children can thrive, and not just survive, today and in the future.

If you could change the education system, what would your top priorities be?

  1. Remove Government Control from Education: To truly redesign our education system to benefit our children, we need to free it from political and bureaucratic influence. As long as decision-makers are driven by agendas rather than the needs of students, meaningful redesign will remain out of reach.
  2. Redesign for a Brighter Future: We must redesign the education system with a focus on nurturing confident, happy, and caring individuals. Our new priority should be to develop each child’s unique talents and skills while fostering essential 21st-century abilities such as creative thinking, innovative problem-solving, critical thinking, collaboration, and empathy.

Explore how we can achieve this transformation using Design Thinking as a new pedagogy. Discover more about this innovative approach here: Transform Our Education System with Design Thinking

Is there anything else you’d like to add?

You are your child’s greatest teacher.

Whether your child attends a state school or you homeschool, you hold the key to their education. As parents, we have the power to create the right environment for our children to not just navigate but excel in a world full of uncertainties and complex challenges.

It’s time for us to take charge and provide our children with the tools they need to thrive. To support you in this important mission, here are a couple of valuable resources:

  1. Discover Insights in My Book: Think Unique – Raising a Successful, Innovative Child offers practical guidance and inspiration.
  2. Explore Our YouTube Channel: The Glittering Minds YouTube channel is packed with tips and strategies to help you foster innovation and creativity in your child.

Together, we can empower our children to excel and embrace their full potential!

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Attend Ortal’s Raising a Successful, Innovative Child Conference 14-16th September 2024!